Friday, 25 May 2012

Day 7

Hi everyone, we had a really funny day today- if only you could have seen us!

In the morning we went to visit a museum and found out about the local history, it was a real eye opener. There were lots of monuments and things dedicated to the second world war. When we explained that we too have things like this and asked why there are so many, we were told that one third of the whole country had been killed in two days during WW2.

In the afternoon we went to visit a doll museum which had lots of miniature dolls. For 2Lats (which is about £3) you could get dressed up as one of the dolls- Miss Bell could hardly contain her excitement! At first Miss Hepworth was reluctant- however when she saw what Miss Bell looked like, she had to join in the fun! Many tears of joy were shed at the sight of Miss Bell and Miss Hepworth looking ridiculous!

At the end of the day we were invited to a party. It was so much fun- our Latvian friends know how to have a good time. There was food, a live band, singing and dancing. A perfect way to end our visit.

Not long now before we are home. Can't wait to see you all.

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